More than 100,000 people participated to BIG Bell Test on 30 November! The Quantum Information Lab is the only Italian lab participating to the BIG Bell Test!
The BIG Bell Test is a worldwide project, coordinated by the Spanish institute ICFO, that intends to carry out a set of simultaneous quantum physics experiments in 12 different labs around the world which took place on November 30th:
• CQC2T — Griffith University (Brisbane-Australia),
• EQuS – University of Queensland (Brisbane-Australia),
• The node CEFOP/Department of Electrical Engineering of the Universidad de Concepción (Concepción-Chile), together with the Department of Electrical Engineering – Linköping University, the University of Sevilla and the Dipartimento di Fisica—Sapienza Università di Roma (Rome),
• The Quantum Information Lab of the Dipartimento di Fisica – Sapienza Università di Roma with the International Institute of Physics del Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil),
• CAS –University of Science and Technology of China (Hefei-China),
• CITEDEF/Universidad de Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires),
• ICFO (Barcelona),
• IQOQI/OEAW (Vienna-Austria),
• LMU-Ludwig-Maximilian University (Munich),
• LPMC — Université Nice/CNRS (Nice-France),
• NIST (Boulder- USA),
• QUDEV- ETH Zurich (Zurich).
The experiments need the participation of a large number of people, who will contribute to the initiative by behaving as randomly as possible Participants have been to contribute through a video game The BIG Bell Quest.