Quantum violation of local causality in an urban network using hybrid photonic technologies

Quantum networks play a crucial role in distributed quantum information processing, enabling the establishment of entanglement and quantum communication among distant nodes. Fundamentally, networks with independent sources allow for new forms of nonlocality, beyond the paradigmatic Bell’s theorem. Here we implement the simplest of such networks—the bilocality scenario—in an urban network connecting different buildings with … Continua a leggere

Reconfigurable continuously-coupled 3D photonic circuit for Boson Sampling experiments

Boson Sampling is a computational paradigm representing one of the most viable and pursued approaches to demonstrate the regime of quantum advantage. Recent results have shown significant technological leaps in single-photon generation and detection, leading to progressively larger instances of Boson Sampling experiments in different photonic systems. However, a crucial requirement for a fully-fledged platform … Continua a leggere