High-fidelity generation of four-photon GHZ states on-chip

Mutually entangled multi-photon states are at the heart of all-optical quantum technologies. While impressive progresses have been reported in the generation of such quantum light states using free space apparatus, high-fidelity high-rate on-chip entanglement generation is crucial for future scalability. In this work, we use a bright quantum-dot based single-photon source to demonstrate the high … Continua a leggere

Orbital angular momentum based intra- and inter- particle entangled states generated via a quantum dot source

Engineering single-photon states endowed with Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM) is a powerful tool for quantum information photonic implementations. Indeed, thanks to its unbounded nature, OAM is suitable to encode qudits allowing a single carrier to transport a large amount of information. Nowadays, most of the experimental platforms use nonlinear crystals to generate single photons through … Continua a leggere