Quantum key distribution with entangled photons generated on demand by a quantum dot

Quantum key distribution—exchanging a random secret key relying on a quantum mechanical resource—is the core feature of secure quantum networks. Entanglement-based protocols offer additional layers of security and scale favorably with quantum repeaters, but the stringent requirements set on the photon source have made their use situational so far. Semiconductor-based quantum emitters are a promising … Continua a leggere

INgegneria INcontra – Fabio Sciarrino

Giovedì 25 marzo 2021 alle ore 19.00, nell’ambito della manifestazione INgegneria INcontra, Fabio Sciarrino ha tenuto il seminario “La seconda rivoluzione quantistica: dal computer alle comunicazioni”. Le tecnologie quantistiche promettono di migliorare la nostra società in diversi ambiti – quali la crittografia, la simulazione di reazioni chimiche, l’ingegneria dei materiali e le nanotecnologie. Stiamo assistendo ad … Continua a leggere

World Quantum Day

Today, 14th of April, a new initiative from quantum scientists around the world has been launched:  the “World quantum day”.  The first global celebration will take place in one year, on the 14th of April 2022. The aim of this recurrence is to raise interest in quantum science’s achievements and allow a general audience to … Continua a leggere